Driving Directions & Website Utilization ...


DIRECTIONS to Unity Center of Columbia

Unity Center of Columbia is located at

1600 West Broadway, Columbia, MO  65203. 



Clicking on the map above will take you to 

There you will find detailed driving directions to Unity Center.



Here you will find some instructions on how to navigate around and use the Unity Center of Columbia website.  If you need to know how to send an email to someone on the site, or how to access the many links to various organizations ... this is where you need to be. 


For E-mail:

For each person on this site, for whom an e-mail is published, you will find a clickable e-mail link AND the actual e-mail address in print.  For those of you who are using Microsoft Outlook Express, you need only click on the e-mail link.  By doing this, a window will pop up in which you may compose a letter.  This window will have the email address already typed in the "To" address field.  For those of you who are not using Outlook Express, you will simply need to manually type or copy-and-paste the e-mail address listed, in the address box.


For Links:

Throughout the site, you will find text printed in blue.  Whenever you see this, the specific text is a "clickable" link to another page; meaning that by clicking on it with your mouse, you will be taken to a website that corresponds to the text.  For instance, clicking HERE will take you to the home page (click on the BACK button of your browser to return to this page).  Following these links is a good way to learn more about Unity Center of Columbia.


Home • Our Beliefs • Membership • Our Board • Newsletter - Light Tidings • Calendar • Youth Ministry • Our History • Daily Word • Music Ministry • Visual Arts Dept. • HELP!